Members' Guide

Welcome to the King's Scout Working Party (KSWP), a national Scout Active Support unit that acts as ambassadors for the top awards and supports the Scout Association with the running of major national Scouting events, particularly those for King's Scouts. Scout Active Support is a dynamic and practical support framework for Scouting; flexible and adaptable teams of volunteers provide a valuable resource that can be utilised in whatever way necessary to maximise the quality of Scouting offered locally, nationally and internationally.

The KSWP was formed in 1944 to provide the Scout Association with a dedicated group of volunteers from across the country to support the running of major high profile national events. To this day, we still provide a reliable, friendly and professional team of volunteers able to turn their hands to a wide range of duties, working alone or as part of a team. Representing the Scout Association at such large scale events often puts the KSWP in the public eye, demonstrating how Scouting is even more applicable today than ever before. However, our remit has also grown and changed over the years and a large part of our responsibility now lies in promoting and supporting the Top Awards (e.g. Chief Scout Awards and King's Scout Award).

Only those who hold the Queen's Scout Award or King's Scout Award are eligible to join the KSWP. The high profile nature of events, friendly people and fun outlook contribute to the success of the working party with it being regarded by many as the natural progression for those Queen's Scouts wanting to strive and put that little extra something special back into Scouting.

The KSWP was formerly known as the QSWP (Queen's Scout Working Party), and was rebranded on 6th May 2023 to coincide with the coronation of King Charles III.


We have three main methods of communicating within the KSWP.

  1. E-mail - we maintain a mailing list of all KSWP members, and use this as our primary method of communicating. All important information will be sent out via e-mail, and it is the member's responsibility to ensure their e-mail address is kept up to date on the KSWP Portal (see below).
  2. Social Media - we have a private (KSWP members only) Facebook group, where less important information may be shared. For example, we might use the Facebook group to ask for opinions on options for social events.
  3. KSWP Portal - The KSWP Portal is our online membership tool, that we use to manage allocations to events. You should check this regularly for new events (although you will also receive an e-mail notification), and use the Portal to update your contact details.

If you need to get in touch with us, the best option is to e-mail the most appropriate member of the Management Committee, or the KSWP Manager if you're not sure who to speak to.


Uniform isn't required for the majority of our events. However, when it is required it is expected that uniform will be of an exemplary standard, and in full compliance with Scouts POR Chapter 10. To maintain a highly professional and consistent appearance across the KSWP and uphold the expectations of the Scout Association, some additional guidance is outlined below. If you require an additional uniform to meet these, then that is down to you as an individual. Exceptions to these guidelines are only allowed with the prior approval of the management committee.

Shirt and Blouse

Only the official uniform shirt or blouse shall be worn either long or short sleeved but smartly pressed. Any garments worn beneath the uniform shirt/blouse (during cold events) must not be visible. The breast pocket button must be fastened and contain no bulky items. Air and Sea Scout variations are permitted in accordance with POR if entitled to do so. Activity wear is not appropriate.


Members of the KSWP must only wear the official KSWP Scout green and gold necker with the KSWP logo embroidered on the back point, unless otherwise directed by event organisers. The KSWP necker should be worn with an official pattern Scout woggle or the Gilwell woggle and wood beads for those so entitled. Friendship knots should only be used on KSWP neckers at events where full uniform is not required. No other woggles are acceptable when representing the KSWP, unless requested by an event organiser (e.g. asked to wear an event woggle).


Only the official uniform trousers or skirt, or appropriate formal trouser or skirt in a dark navy colour, are permitted and must be neatly pressed. Skirts should be of a length just above the knee. Trousers or skirts are to be worn with the official pattern Scout belt or Explorer Belt if entitled to wear it. Those members entitled to wear a kilt or tartan skirt may do so in full compliance with the rules detailed in POR.


Black leather shoes without decoration and of an appropriate style must be worn, ensuring they are clean and polished. Female members should wear sensible shoes without extensive cut-out areas and only a small heel. Socks must be either black or navy blue to match the uniform trousers. When wearing a skirt, female members should wear neutral coloured tights.

Outer Garments

It is rare for KSWP members to wear outer garments when on duty, as they detract from the image portrayed. However in cases where event organisers permit the wearing of an outer garment, only the official grey Scout uniform fleece or Navy Scout softshell/coat may be worn.


Only the authorised badges as described in POR may be worn by members of the KSWP, neatly sewn on in the correct positions.

Only national special event badges, that are within their approved period, may be worn by KSWP members when on duty. Any local special event badges should not be worn, and must be removed for any event (a second shirt purely for KSWP duties will alleviate this problem).

The Scout Active Support uniform cloth badge is not deemed appropriate for members of the KSWP due to its 'bright' nature which otherwise detracts from our professional image. Members who also hold the Gold Duke of Edinburgh's award may wear the cloth badge on their left arm.

No other badges are permitted to be worn at any time when representing the KSWP.

Non-formal Wear

KSWP T-shirts and hoodies are not part of the official KSWP uniform for formal events, however they are often required for informal events and many members wear them to social gatherings. These are available from the Carrie-Lou Embroidery Shop (for members only).


As with all Adult Appointments in Scouting, members of the KSWP are obliged to complete as a minimum: Module 1 (Essential Information), Safety, Safeguarding and the GDPR training.

Other training, either in the form of Scout Association training modules, externally operated training schemes, or relevant skills training can also be completed should an individual desire or it be deemed appropriate by the management committee. This can be used to contribute towards completion of your wood badge, or fulfilling your ongoing learning requirements.